You have no weapons, save a crowbar, which, if you are smart you will use to pry stuff open. " You have been popped through the portal device and landed feet first in the portal control room. There Colette Green and Gina Cross come with Richard Keller to reset the dampening fields during the Decay chapter Resonance. Storage Area 3 can be seen from the other side of the track. The area has a view to the Black Mesa Transit System, but it cannot be accessed from there. The lobby contains a security guard welcome desk, as well as an American flag and the same world map seen in Test Labs and Control Facilities. The area is accessed from a lobby with a glass roof where the sky, a ramp culminating to the top and Apaches passing by can be seen, and is apparently connected to the rest of Sector C by an elevator. Partially on the surface, this unnamed area is located above the Development section of the Anomalous Materials Lab, and contains the room located above the Anti-Mass Spectrometer, containing its dampening fields, as well as numerous labs and offices and the dampening locks used to control the dampening fields. 1.5 Area 3 Medium Security Facilities and High-Energy Particle LabsĪpart from separate sections located along the Sector C Line, the main area of Sector C spreads on three main levels, each giving access to a part of the Anti-Mass Spectrometer.1.3 Anomalous Materials Operation Center.

1.2.3 Anomalous Materials Lab - Development.1.2.1 Anomalous Materials Lab - Research.