With his all-yellow suit-and-hat combo and his trusty umbrella, Jose is ready to Samba! When it comes to the fashion of the Three Cabelleros, everyone remembers Donald’s classic sailor suit ensemble, of course, but the real fashion star of the trio is a certain Brazilian parrot. Jos é Carioca, Saludos Amigos and The Three Caballeros Emulating his look will make you a dapper dream (purple talking dragon optional)!ħ. When it comes to dressing dapper, the only limit is your imagination! Just ask the Dreamfinder, decked out in a top hat and waistcoat in brilliant blue, looking fantastic for every flight of fancy. Just because you’re out in the jungle doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be dressed to the nines! Jane manages multiple dapper outfits while out studying the animals of the jungle, rocking both a gorgeous yellow dress and a more exploration-appropriate shirt-and-skirt combo. It’s no lie that he has a dapper look that no one can compete with. From the wooden puppet’s hat to his suspenders, Geppetto knew how Pinocchio should dress to impress. Pinocchio had to work hard to become a real boy, but he was already real dapper from the start of his story. His classic, all-black look is perfect for showing off your style, although your own bowler hat only needs to have secret flying and mind-control powers if you’re planning on pulling off nefarious schemes or hanging out with a T.

Bowler Hat Guy is so dapper that his own name reflects his sense of fashion. Bert and Mary pull out all the stops in their coordinating outfits, perfect for a day of carousel riding and fine dining. Sometimes you need to save your dapperness for special occasions, like perhaps going on a Jolly Holiday and visiting a chalk pavement picture world.

Rocking cute vests, spiffy suits, and perfectly pressed button-downs, this couple makes dressing dapper an effortless part of everyday life. The couple that dresses well together, stays together-and no one is a sharper-dressed pair of puppy parents than Roger and Anita.

Roger and Anita, One Hundred and One Dalmatians Need a little inspiration for your next fashion phenomenon? D23 rounded up 11 Disney characters who’s style is at their dapper best.ġ.