In addition to enabling debugging, it will also turn on auto-complete for Gideros API calls. Select Gideros as an interpreter in ZeroBrane Studio going to Program | Lua Interpreters | Gideros.Add require("mobdebug").start() line to your a script.To enable the integration shown in the demo, you need to do these three steps: The video below demonstrates debugging support for Gideros scripts in ZeroBrane Studio (you may need to switch the video to 720p to make the text more readable): This second way was my first recommendation and it took couple of hours to implement support for debugging in the IDE. Another way is to start the application externally and make it connect to the debugger in the IDE, thus allowing the IDE to control the application. One way is to launch the application from the IDE, which allows for tighter integration as the IDE can set the environment for the process and can kill the process when the user aborts debugging or running the application. ZeroBrane Studio supports two ways to debug applications. It is using Lua as its scripting language and after several people on Gideros forums expressed their interest in using ZeroBrane Studio IDE, I thought I would take a look at supporting Gideros in the IDE.

Gideros is a flexible framework for developing mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms.