Spacechem iphone
Spacechem iphone

side-scrolling platform game whereby you are Mac, the Macromolecule Man./HTML5GamesandLabs/LifeChemgames/macromoleculeman-page.html.Kickstarter founded: Crescent Loom: weave neurons, stitch muscles, create life.Window/Mac/Linux ($), web (demo, free of charge).Neurons are simulated using a compartmental RC-circuit model.Players build underwater creatures (a la Spore) and get them to move by weaving neurons into a simple brain.Players can play cooperative, competitive, or solitaire.create autocatalytic life and Darwinian life.players start as organic compounds shortly after Earth's formation.Android, iOS (soon on web) (free of charge)./boardgame/202207/virulence-infectious-card-game./boardgame/166298/peptide-protein-building-game./boardgame/157586/linkage-dna-card-game./boardgame/202977/cytosis-cell-biology-game./boardgame/71021/ was a successful Kickstarter project.GNU/Linux, MacOS, Windows (free of charge).nice descriptions of encountered elements.The player evolves and controls their own single cellular species, playing as one cell and competing against other AI species that evolve and adapt alongside them. Evolution simulator, top-down perspective./boardgame/174611/ion-compound-building-game./boardgame/184663/covalence-molecule-building-game.A physical and commercial version is available on Kickstarter.Emulate electric circuits using mechanical devices./s-macke/Interplanetary-Postal-Service.Quantum Computing Workshop with QiskitBlocks.Linux, Windows, macOS, Android (free of charge).Minecraft-like environment with quantum circuit demonstrations, puzzles, and escape rooms.The History of Games for Quantum Computers.How to defeat classical computer in QPong.Quantum Pong - Programming on Quantum Computers Ep 1.Quantum version of Pong with paddles controlled by quantum circuits.its terminal-based open-source post: Hello Quantum: Taking your first steps into quantum computation.realistic resource usage and physics game board and rules incorporate actual data as it is discovered./boardgame/172737/high-frontier-3rd-edition.web (free of charge), GNU/Linux ($), MacOS ($), Windows ($).Quantum Minds (free of charge): MacOS, Windows.Quantum Moves (free of charge): GNU/Linux, MacOS, Windows, Android, post: Learning Quantum Mechanics the Easy Way.Java application (free and open source).quantum mechanics, continuous post: Quantum mechanics for high-school students.quantum computation and quantum information.Newtonian physics, orbital mechanics, flight mechanics.warning: a few elements are unreal (most are real, though).MIT license: /MITGameLab/OpenRelativity.iOS game (2 chapter free of charge, on web (Flash)).charges, antiparticles, neutrino oscillations, decay.contraction, time dilation, Doppler shift.It was started, and is being maintained, by Piotr Migdał (the author of Quantum Game with Photons).Ī mini table of contents: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Health, Mathematics, Sociology and economy, Humanities Games Physics Velocity Raptor This is a collaborative list dedicated to the public domain ( CC0), where everyone is welcomed to contribute! See: how to contribute. So in general, ones that may make you say I played X for its own sake, yet I've learnt how Y works! for Y being advanced enough. actually playable (you can play them for fun, not ones "for classroom only").capturing parts of real scientific phenomena (including social science, medicine, etc),.Here is a collaborative notepad with educational/science games, i.e. The list is essentially about educational based games that nailed entertainment (with a focus on scientific phenomenon).

Spacechem iphone